December 16, 2018
This Sunday Sesh we are raising our glasses to Rob Roy!
The Rob Roy ( not to be confused with its sober brother, the Roy Rogers ) is an original cocktail created in 1894, Manhattan NYC. The drink was named after an opera! Similar to the famous 'Manhattan' this drink differs by primarily using Scotch Whiskey as its base. Kick it off with this classic, and remember, the night doesn't end until the fat lady sings - So dust off that cocktail stirrer and get in!
September 17, 2024
September 13, 2024
A ballad about ageing and nostalgia for youth, may not exactly be your idea of a pre-game track, but when it's an old Arctic Monkeys song that's bouncy and poppy, and the film clip includes a brawl with clowns, it kind of works. 'Fluorescent Adolescent' is this weeks beat of choice.
September 12, 2024